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Robotic Surgery Specialist

Complete Healthcare for Women

OB/GYNs located in Loxahatchee, FL

When it’s medically necessary to undergo surgery on your ovaries, uterus, or fallopian tubes, the experienced doctors at Complete Healthcare for Women in Wellington, Florida, offer minimally invasive surgical solutions. The team offers robotic surgical techniques using the innovative da Vinci® robotic surgical system to safely address ovarian cysts, remove fibroids, remove your ovaries, or even perform a hysterectomy with less trauma to your body. Find out more about the benefits of robotic surgical services by calling the office today or schedule a consultation online now.

Robotic Surgery Q & A

Why do I need robotic surgery?

Robotic surgery is an innovative way for the Complete Healthcare for Women surgeons to perform a variety of surgical procedures.

The da Vinci surgical system allows your surgeon to perform complex techniques using specialized instruments and a high-definition camera. Your surgeon controls the instruments using computer-assisted technology, and the camera sends back real-time images of the surgical area to an external monitor.

Robotic surgery makes it possible for your surgeon to perform more complex surgeries with a higher level of precision than traditional surgery.

You may need robotic surgery to address a number of reproductive health issues, such as:

  • Tumors
  • Fibroids
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Endometriosis
  • Structural abnormalities

The Complete Healthcare for Women surgical team can also perform partial or total hysterectomies using the da Vinci system.

What is a hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove your uterus. In some cases, the surgery may also be necessary to remove your other reproductive organs, including your ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Following a hysterectomy, you will no longer have a menstrual period, and you won’t be able to get pregnant. You may need a hysterectomy to address a number of issues that affect your reproductive health, including:

  • Cancer
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding
  • Abnormal ovarian cysts

You may also need a hysterectomy if you suffer a uterine prolapse, a condition where your uterus drops out of place and falls into the vaginal canal.

How is a hysterectomy performed?

There are several surgical techniques available for a hysterectomy.

The team of physicians at Complete Healthcare for Women offers vaginal surgery to remove the uterus through the vaginal canal.

Laparoscopic surgery is also available, which requires only small incisions on the abdomen to remove reproductive organs.

The Complete Healthcare for Women staff can also recommend robotic surgery using the daVinci surgical system to remove the uterus and other reproductive organs, reducing trauma to your body and allowing a greater degree of precision.

For a larger fibroid uterus, a larger single incision may be required. The incision could be low and across, similar to a C-section, or up and down in the middle.

What are the benefits of robotic surgery?

If you need surgery to address underlying medical conditions that affect your reproductive health, robotic surgery can help ensure a successful outcome with less trauma to your body than traditional open surgery.

The benefits of robotic hysterectomy procedures include:

  • Less pain
  • Minimal scarring
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Reduced risk of infection

Following robotic surgery, you can recover faster than with traditional surgery and get back to your usual routine with less downtime and less time off work.

To find out if you’re a good candidate for a robotic hysterectomy or other surgery, call Complete Healthcare for Women today or use the online booking feature to schedule a consultation.

Our Services

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photo of Complete Healthcare for Women
photo of Complete Healthcare for Women
photo of Complete Healthcare for Women
photo of Complete Healthcare for Women
photo of Complete Healthcare for Women
photo of Complete Healthcare for Women
photo of Complete Healthcare for Women
photo of Complete Healthcare for Women
photo of Complete Healthcare for Women
photo of Complete Healthcare for Women
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